Human Design shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool, and guides you on how you can live as your authentic self. It helps you remember how to listen to your natural flow, connect to your truth, and interpret energetic messages in and around you. I see this system as a tool for helping you understand yourself deeper. It is highly recommended that you experiment with your Design and find what is right for you.


Human Design is a tool that can support you with bringing awareness to your energetic body and guiding you on how to live an aligned life. It’s a logical system that brings together principles of astrology, quantum physics, Chinese I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system. This is not a system meant to simply be studied and mastered mentally. Its potential unfolds in its practical application, through awareness and integration. Your Human Design Chart (also referred to as the Bodygraph) is calculated using your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth.

You can find more information about human design, here, and grab a free body graph, here. * Please note your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth is needed for this offering.


It’s not personal, it’s chemistry!  Let’s get you aligned energetically!

This 65-minute session includes coaching and goal setting, using human design as a point of reference, alongside a coaching process that will help you break unhealthy patterns and set energetically aligned goals. Once you book your appointment and complete the intake form— I set aside time to channel messages for you, study your HD chart, pull oracle cards, and compile a summary document, and then we meet for a live session where I share these insights and you get to process them ask questions, and integrate them into your vision and plan (where it feels correct).

You will walk away with some understanding of your human design chart, clarity on your goals, and action steps for you to move forward.

Please note this is not a chart reading. We are using your human design chart as a tool, to help set goals in alignment with your energetic makeup. Knowledge of Human Design is not needed to book this session.


  • 1- 65 minute Zoom or Google Meet meeting

BE who you are

created to be.



A 90 minute conversation with me over Zoom to discuss your unique makeup through the lens of the Human Design System. Through this offering, I will review your chart’s keynotes and bodygraph to get a general idea of the information that your chart reveals to me about who you came into this life to be.

The Human Design chart reveals potential, but when we review your lived experiences and current beliefs we can see where the connection or disconnection is. This analysis is not just about providing you with general information, but providing you with information that you can utilize to LIVE fully, and freely (aka flow).

While analyzing your chart I will pay careful attention to where you might feel resistance and challenges in your life, your potential strengths, wisdom, and gifts, and how you can leverage your energetic makeup to connect with your flow and design a life you’re excited to wake up to.  

If you’re someone interested in the concept of ‘purpose,’ we can/will explore your purpose and how your purpose is supported by your unique design. We will discuss your current circumstances, especially challenges or any feelings of resistance or fear, to help you connect with your flow, and release dense or stagnant energy.

I will share tips/suggestions on how you can continue to connect with your unique design, decondition from behaviors and habits that no longer serve you, embody or adopt updated beliefs and habits, and other ways to leverage your chart information to support your holistic wellness approach to life.

We can also utilize this time to focus on specific questions or life topics, which you can highlight on the intake form, however, it is advised that you begin with a general chart analysis if you are new to the Human Design System. 

Topics I explore for a general analysis: Aura Type, Strategy, Not-Self Energy Theme, Signature Theme, Your Authority, Profile, Centers (Defined + Undefined/Opened), Incarnation Cross (not in depth), Active Gates (depending on the time available)


  • 1- 90 minute Zoom or Google Meet meeting

  • Analysis of Your Human Design Chart


A One-on-One 4-Month Container for Human Design Experimenters, ready to actively participate in their personal development, remember and embrace their Truth, and align with their unique flow, to create a purposeful and passion filled life they are excited to wake up for.


Have questions? Get in touch with us.

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