Providing personnel with the tools, support, and guidance that inspire and result in, personal growth and fulfillment, effective team dynamics, innovation, and peak performance. We work with small-sized organizations and teams to inspire new thinking, approaches, and possibilities in the workplace and beyond.  We are especially inspired to work with young companies and non-profit organizations that are dedicated to fighting systemic injustices.


We offer trauma-informed, customized experiences that allow personnel to break from the “doing of things” and take time to BE STILL and go within. We believe that each member of your team has something invaluable to share and offer, and we help you, help them, to tune into that. We help create an environment where people feel safe and open to express their ideas, give honest feedback, and deal with interpersonal conflicts in a restorative way.


  • You are seeking support with identifying issues affecting the performance of your staff.

  • The turnover rate has increased and you want to find solutions to reduce the turnover rate.

  • You see an opportunity for your team to develop tools and skills that will help them communicate more effectively.

  • You recognize an opportunity to develop your organization’s culture to one that supports team-building and staff opening to their highest potential.

  • We have a trauma-informed approach and we can bring that to your organization.

  • The workplace has been identified as “toxic” and you want help creating change.


If you need a facilitator that is well informed on how to educate, guide, and support, employees, and management on ways to bring about positive behavioral change in the workplace, we can help you. 

Our workshops are customized with your organization’s needs in mind.   We consider your organization’s mission, vision, values, and the specific goals you want to meet. We take a people-focused approach to our work. Therefore, we consider not only the staff members but those you serve.

Workshop topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing conscious leaders 

  • Adjusting to Change

  • Self-awareness

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Engaging a Remote Workforce

  • Avoiding and Dealing With Burnout

  • Improving Interpersonal Relations + Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

  • Team Building

  • Creating Supportive Spaces


We create restorative S.P.A.C.E. in the workplace, to help transform feelings of loneliness, stress, overwhelm, and burn-out into connectedness, calmness, and overall improvement in well-being.  These meetings are grounded in support, purpose, authenticity, curiosity, and empathy (S.P.A.C.E.), which are all active ingredients for providing safe, intentional, and healing spaces.   

What do we do?

We meet, in a group setting, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly with team members, either online or in person.  These check-ins allow for team members to have a dedicated space to discuss the challenges and impact of their work, and receive support from the facilitator and team members, in a non-judgmental space.  The facilitator guides the meeting by asking questions and soliciting feedback from the team members.  Outside of discussions, tools and resources may also be provided to members, on a case-by-case basis.  

These meetings will be tailored to the team members, keeping in mind the population they serve and any known influences (ex. COVID-19) that may be impacting how they do their work.


Have questions? Get in touch with us.

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