The Soul Crafting Program is an intuitive and custom one-on-one blended coaching and educational experience guiding you to remember your authentic Self.

It’s a journey of remembrance, guiding and lighting your path to freedom and possibility. During this journey, we will use tools and techniques, aligned with my ‘MEE Method’ (Mind, Embodiment, and Energy). It’s my method of healing, abundance, and living your FREE. It’s the concepts we will focus on to create the shifts you’re calling in. 

The ‘MEE Method’ was developed and inspired by my remembrance journey— and all that I’ve learned, researched, and experimented with to design the life that currently wow’s me (and keeps me exploring life with curiosity — I love it here).

When focused on the MIND, we look at your mindset and beliefs, and how they affect your experience within the world. When needed, we address the subconscious mind and how it plays a role in how you express yourself. For most of us, we live in this place. Constantly in our heads attempting to make sense of the world, but what if we also came back to our bodies and used the wisdom that is there. Some things can not logically be explained, and yet, they exist. Let’s explore that. And how it impacts your ability to design the life you love.

Have you ever noticed your ability to convince yourself of something by the thoughts you explore? Or, how does what you’re thinking impact your mood and energy? It’s pretty powerful and important. But what if, knowing this, you begin to intentionally program information, thoughts, and beliefs that support the life you're designing. That you learn, through your thoughts/mind, how you can create the STATE you want to experience, simply by choosing to and then interrupting any thought that contradicts it. 

The mind-body connection is POWERFUL. Being present in the moment is powerful. 

EMBODIMENT is a way for us to connect with our bodies. The body is one of the most powerful tools for upgrading your experience.

There is so much wisdom in our bodies, but so often we’re disconnected from our bodies, for one reason or another. Through embodiment you will learn to design your life more consciously, embracing the present moment and listening to and following the wisdom your body has to share with you. You will remember how to listen to your body and develop a deep trust in it. 

The concept 'embodiment,' also includes a creative embodiment where your timeline shifts and you integrate the energy of another aspect/version of yourself. This is about connecting with what you desire externally by embodying it first, internally. We’ll explore different practices and techniques to help you return to your body’s wisdom, and remember the power of the mind-body connection. As someone who relies on their emotions and feelings within their body to guide them intuitively, I’ve found embodiment to be a game-changer for my experience, confidence, and healing.

Everything is vibrations. Everything is ENERGY. And we will explore frequencies and the vibrations you are emitting, and how you can shift and/or direct them. We’ll also connect how the mind, body, and Spirit integrate to help you enjoy a life you love and are present to. Energy work can help facilitate healing and realign the energies in your body, which can influence the energy around you. I believe that we all can interpret and feel the energy within and around us, in our unique way, therefore, we will explore that for you, which will help with the embodiment as well. There are also energy healing modalities that we will explore, as we address aura and environment cleansing. By engaging in energy work you can restore the harmony and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. We will explore energy as it relates to blockages and stagnant energy in and around us, and practice energy bodywork which includes channeling energy into different parts of the body. 

These concepts consist of much more than what is written here. And by centering these concepts, and infusing them into the process, we bring awareness to what is or is not currently flowing in your life, begin to shift through what isn’t serving you, and embody the energy of you, you want to BE.

unearthings and rebirths.

unearthings and rebirths.

During The Soul Crafting Program, we will focus on getting you out of your mind, and into your body.  You will remember how to listen to the wisdom and guidance within you. Bringing awareness to the beliefs, conditioning, and roots that helped you design the life you’re currently experiencing, and begin releasing what doesn't serve or support the VISION you’re moving towards.

This experience is custom. The tools and practices we use will always center you — all of you. This means that I explore and consider your lived experiences, your comfort with practices and tools, your interests, beliefs, learning style, limitations, human design chart, and all the ways which might influence your potential to integrate the energies during the process. 

We will engage with practices, such as those that focus on the mind-body connection, emotional regulation, resetting your nervous system, self-inquiry, creative embodiment (aka visualization techniques), and energy assessing and cleansing, to name a few. And to the extent necessary, there will be classes where I share knowledge about different topics or modalities before us engaging with them.

Soul Crafting is my lifestyle.

Soul Crafting is my lifestyle.

It’s what I do easily and effortlessly, and I am constantly learning and unlearning ways to make it that much more rich, fun, and gentle, for me, and you. Everything we do in this space is practical, adjustable, and ready for your unique magick. And it is all working together to lead you to your authentic Self and its voice, which can guide you to design a life you’re obsessed about, enjoy living, and where you get to do more of what you love.  And get this– you’ll feel this love, even when sh*t gets questionable, and a bit uncomfortable! 

I’m just saying *shrug*  


If you’re ready to transform and revitalize your life, and willing to be open to the process– COME ON IN…


When it comes to the remembrance/healing journey, my experience has reminded me that it’s about the journey, not the destination.  With that being said, this space is not here to pressure you to be at any specific place in life.  We will focus on what the best next step is for you… not what you ‘should’ or ‘must’ do,  but what you are willing to do next. We go at your pace, and I trust that you will get whatever it is your soul came to this container to experience.  I am only here because I am a tool to help you remember your true Self, and right now, yourSelf is helping align you with people, places, and opportunities that will lead you closer to your authentic Self. If this container is for you, you’ll end up here; I trust that!


I can give you all the tools, and information, and teach you skills, but it’s your job to utilize them to get the results you desire. We’ll explore them, practice, experiment, reflect, tweak— and all the things. Not only will your life and experience be deeply transformed, but you’ll have tools and resources that can continue to support you in enriching your life and help you to support others. Consider this— all my years of “struggle,” pain, scarcity mindset, education, experimenting with life, people watching and analyzing, expressing as a "daredevil," being "the different one", manifesting my dreams, and then, deciding I don’t want them anymore, and so, having to pivot— 

I am bringing all that wisdom, compassion, empathy, reflecting, observing, developed ‘life hacks,’ questions, practices, knowledge, and ancient wisdom — to you! All in one place


Girl, Get Up!: Breaking Free from Negative Thought Loops and Embracing Some Uncomfortable Truths


Law of Attraction Technique: Manifestation Box